I haven’t written…

I haven’t posted on Global Gyal in 2.5 months. Part of me can come up with a really good excuse – it was because I got really into editing videos. I channeled my energy, thoughts and creativity into the process, and just found it easier mentally to focus on one thing at a time. I could say this and get away with it. It is the truth. A layer of it. The outside layer. And Read more…

Changing My Environment

The world is at a stand still… I sat one day and reflected on how much this affected my ‘world tour plan.’ (5 years, 5 regions, 5 countries). As I couldn’t go anywhere (to an event down da road much less a whole other country), I realized I was yearning to become uncomfortable with my surroundings again and unfamiliar with the norm of everyday. I quickly realized this is what I had been relying on Read more…

I Got Good News!

Good news! Good news! My new Australian Visa came through! 💃🏾💃🏾 Why was this such a big deal you may ask? Because for the past 2.5 months, I’ve kinda been in limbo (mentally) with what I was going to do.  Would I stay in Australia? Or be forced to leave because I was denied another visa? We all know these covid times are rough, so I was mentally preparing myself to find another place to Read more…

I Skipped

I skipped posting… Over the last two weeks on the Global Gyal blog and vlog, I skipped posting and for that I apologise.  I wanted to be sensitive to everyone and what they’d been experiencing over the last few weeks. I also felt the need to clear media space for the imperative information that’s finally getting its long overdue attention. Also, I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to write pieces on random thoughts Read more…