I skipped posting

Over the last two weeks on the Global Gyal blog and vlog, I skipped posting and for that I apologise. 

I wanted to be sensitive to everyone and what they’d been experiencing over the last few weeks. I also felt the need to clear media space for the imperative information that’s finally getting its long overdue attention.

Also, I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to write pieces on random thoughts of travel or my travel experiences. Not with everything going on and coming to light in the world.

When it all hit the fan with the George Floyd video, I took a step back and tried to process and absorb the stark reality. I felt overwhelmingly emotional for days on end as I dove into the videos, images, stories and tragedies. As many of you can relate, it takes a toll on your psyche.

These protests are a long time coming.

To see the world unite in protests of solidarity (even Sydney was in da dance!) and international communities start to discuss and address their racist realities speaks to the undeniable progress that’s being made. The fight continues though as we work towards the future we need to have.

Now, I just need to figure out my role and where I can fit in to help further the cause in my own way.

At the same time

Australia began to reduce their covid restrictions, so I attempted to re-adjust to the outside world. During the heavier restrictions, I’d done a good job in only staying around the family I lived with here in Sydney. I didn’t go outside unless it was necessary. But once restrictions lessoned, I took the opportunity to meet up with some friends, and even planned a trip to the country side for a weekend.

Being around others definitely felt odd at first. But while keeping our distance, I made some new friends, and I was reminded of the good of outside. Going back out into the world though, I was much more aware of all the things we do as people and how much we’re connected. So mentally, it was a lot and a re-adjustment in and of itself.


My family and friends, who are all overseas are going through a lot in their own personal lives. I received great news but also devastating news as I continued to catch up with them during the lockdown period. My heart grew heavier from the loss some of them encountered and knowing that I was too far away to help with my presence. It’s a lot on the mind. They’re in my prayers everyday.

I was (and still am) unsure about my visa to stay in Australia longer. Would I stay here or would I have to go? It’s been two months and still no word. And as each week goes by, it adds a lil worry to my stress bank.

So, where did Global Gyal fit in to all of this?

It didn’t.

I needed time to process and assess it all before I could even put it to words on here.

The whole time I still worked on videos though. 

Editing them, getting them right.

And now I’m back to writing.

Sometimes ya just gotta check out and let it all out – in whatever medium you can.

Then pick back up from where you left off.

So, here’s to the continuation!

Global Gyal is back and ready to fill your timelines with stories of her Caribbean travels.

Hope you’re all doing okay.

Yours truly,

Global Gyal

Categories: Stories


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