If there was no Covid19, what would you be doing right now?

With your time, money, effort?

For the week? Month? Year?

I was reflecting on what I intended my year to look like, and figured it would be a good idea to share. Share what Global Gyal would’ve been up to, had there not been a Global Pandemic grinding much of the world to a halt 🙃.

My overall 5 year goal (if you didn’t know) is:

‘Visit/live in 5 different countries, over 5 years, in 5 different regions”

My 1st year was New Zealand and 2nd year was Australia.

My 3rd year (this year) was South East Asia.

Here were the plans:

I intended to stay in Australia, and live with my adopted family, until April 20th (last week). During that time, I would’ve gotten all my stuff together, made arrangements to see all the friends I’ve made and tell them bye. I would’ve recorded a few more videos and if I was feeling really crazy (money spending wise) – I would’ve tried to go to the centre of Australia (the desert) and see Uluru 😁. This would’ve been my attempt at ‘I don’t know if I’ll ever come back to Australia so YOLO’

On April 20th, I would’ve said goodbye to everyone and started a new journey. A journey to Thailand! 💃🏽 (Ticket min buy and everything). The family and I would’ve spent a week’s vacation in Phuket and then I would be all on my own to explore for another few weeks – galavanting around Thailand staying in hostels, visiting Temples and the likes. That was to be the jam.

My South East Asian adventures would however take a quick pause. Cause then I’d head to Europe! (England to be exact) A wedding would reunite some of my closest high school friends and I as we celebrated our friend’s nuptials. I would catch up with family and friends I hadn’t seen in years and possibly explore Spain with my sister too (this was very tentative). 


Afterwards, I would fly back to the South East Asian region and travel.

Explore. See what places like Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia etc. all had to offer. I had no idea where I would go exactly, or what I was going to do. But, I knew I would figure it out along the way.

I planned to live off of the remainder of my savings and pour my heart and soul into Global Gyal – gather all the content, find all the right people (#makeconnections) and maybe discover some Caribbean surprises along the way!

THEN, when October would roll around, I would jump on a next plane to Canada for another long time friend’s wedding. I would visit more folks and then by December, boom. I’d find myself back in Antigua (home) in time to put up the Christmas tree 😀

Home for the holidays, I’d surround myself with family and friends. The ones I’m so fortunate to have and that support me every step of the way.

It’s not over yet…

Towards the end of my year’s journey, I’d have begun planning for my 2021.

Where to you may ask? That’s the year I would spend some time in an African country – Ghana? Maybe?

I dreamed by then I’d make money from YouTube to be able to fund my travels (cause savings would’ve gone bye bye). I’d be doing Global Gyal full time – creating content for yall and exploring new places around the globe.

This was all IFFF there wasn’t a Global Pandemic grinding much of the world to a halt. And then iffff everything went according to plan (which it never does huh?)

It woulda been fun eh.

But life doesn’t always work out as planned, as we all know. And now, even though my future is unknown, I’m okay with that.

Because I know that when the dust settles, my adventures will continue, and a new and improved Global Gyal plan to explore the world will be created and executed.

And you’ll be right there with me for the journey 😃🙏🏽

What was your If?

Yours Truly,

Global Gyal


Anonymous · April 29, 2020 at 1:19 pm

We plan and God laughs!! But I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and when this is all over… you’ll have it all figured out and would be in somewhere awesome! Bet! Continue to stay safe Global Gyal.🤗

    Global Gyal · April 29, 2020 at 6:10 pm

    That saying is the truth!! Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I truly appreciate the support and hope you’re staying safe as well!

Anonymous · April 29, 2020 at 4:50 pm

I admire you! You have a great story. Obviously your journey hasn’t played out the way you wanted it with all this cOVID-19 going on. Your energy and perspective is amazing though. I am sure it will all work out for you. I am constantly rooting for you GlobalGyal!

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